

The Chair is the primary face and voice for the organization. They are responsible for promoting the mission, vision and strategic plan to members, prospective members and constituents. The Chair must be aware of changes in the profession and be mindful of how those changes will impact the organization. When appropriate, this individual must advocate for and champion new strategies to meet these changes after obtaining direction and support from the membership. This is a one-year term, but two year commitment as the first year was spent as Co-Chair.

Some of the responsibilities for this position include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Provide vision and overall direction for the consortium.
  • Preside at and run all meetings.
  • Appoint committees deemed necessary or helpful in furthering the business of the consortium.
  • Delegate responsibility to appropriate officers and committees.
  • Mentor the Co-Chair so that they are ready to assume the Chair position in their second year.


The Co-Chair becomes Chair following their term. In the absence of the Chair the Co-Chair becomes acting Chair. This is a two-year term with the Co-Chair assuming the Chair position in the second year.

  • Works with member schools to identify future meeting locations.
  • Works with host school to select guest speakers.
  • Creates and circulates the monthly meeting agenda.
  • Assist the Chair, as needed.
  • In the absence of the Chair, assume all responsibilities of that office.


The Secretary is the official custodian of the consortium minutes. This is a one year position.

  • Preside at each meeting and record the meeting minutes.
  • Prepare minutes and send to Communications Officer for posting on the Trello collaborative board.


The Communications Officer facilitates communication among the membership. This is a one year position.

  • Create, maintain and update the consortium collaborative tool (Trello).
  • Maintain member access to the collaborative tool (Trello).
  • Assist members who need help using the collaborative tool (Trello).
  • Maintain, and update, membership roster and email distribution list.
  • Assist the Chair and Co-Chair in exploring technology tools to make the consortium more efficient (on-line surveys, conference call, etc.)